Reuters reports that SGT Bergdahl is to submit to questioning next week for the first time by US Army General Kenneth R. Dahl who is charged to investigate the widely reported incident and subsequent POW release. To date there have been no reports that any of Bergdahl’s comrades present before or after his suspected desertion have been interviewed.
Considering the amount of time that has elapsed and the way the investigation is being handled I will be very surprised if anything happens to Bergdahl. The lack of reporting won’t surprise me either.
In related but different news the house Armed Services Committee condemned the President for the Bergdahl prisoner swap. The vote was largely along party lines but two Democrats, Reps. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii and Mike McIntyre of North Carolina – joined Republicans to support the measure. The final vote was 34 to 25. The House of Representatives will consider the resolution later this year, a few weeks before the election.