Every November 10th, Majrod has me address some Birthday comments to the Marines that prowl around this site from time to time. Every year I remind them that the Marine Corps is so besotted with glory that it is as well to remember that other services… especially the Army… have played their own part in our country’s military history. No Marines died at Gettysburg or Bastogne, and only one at the Little Big Horn.
This time around we can be a touch more hopeful about the future of our beloved Corps. While nobody knows how the new Administration will deal with its duties and responsibilities… it is extremely likely that foisting unfit women into the Infantry (of the Corps and Army) as an exercise in social metaphysics will not be one of their priorities. Hopefully the slicing of muscle from combat branches will be reversed.
The purpose of the Marine Corps is to fight. When it is not fighting, its purpose is to prepare to fight. Anything that detracts from that needs removed from the lash-up.
Old salts like myself should not have to worry about politicos trying to make the Corps “PC”… We should be able to concentrate on wallowing in the glories of Marine Corps history.
Happy Birthday Marines
-Yankee Papa-
USMC 0311