Small Wars Journal ran an extremely interesting and well referenced article on this development
There’s a “museum” in Mexico City open only to the Mexican government and used to train anti-drug forces. The “Museo de Enervantes” as it’s called in Spanish features a “model” of the RPG-29 Vampir (Vampyre). It’s called the RPG-29. The RPG-29 was fielded to the Soviet Army in 1989. It is very similar to our early airborne type “bazookas” in that the tube can be broken down into two parts. Assembled, it fires a 105m tandem warhead rocket designed to defeat explosive reactive armor (ERA) and then penetrate the frontal armor of today’s modern main battle tanks to include the M1A1 & A2 Abrams. The round can penetrate up to almost 30” of steel and has a reported range of 500m with optical sights but with newer rounds and improved day/night laser range finding optics can engage out to 800m. The RPG29 was used in the 2006 Lebanon where it defeated some Israeli Merkavas. AT weapons were credited for causing most of Israel’s casualties. Hezbollah likely acquired these weapons from Syria.
How cartels may have come into possession of the RPG-29 is not known but the RPG-29 is produced under license by SEDENA in Mexico and Avribas in Brazil. The cartels have always tried to increase their firepower. A weapon that can defeat just about every armored vehicle even in the US inventory is a significant weapon and capability. If drug cartels can procure these weapons what’s to keep them out of potential terrorists’ hands? Few locations or vehicles have the armor of an M1 tank to include government vehicles used to transport criminals, terrorists or even government officials. A little outside the box thinking can make for some frightening implications and scenarios.