As part of the effort to make GRUNTSandCo the premiere Infantry site on the web I’ve created the “GRUNTS” section. It serves as the repository for references, history, culture and tradition items. One of the Infantry’s weaknesses (especially the Army’s) is a failure to celebrate and commemorate its accomplishments. That weakness is understandable because of a culture of single minded focus on mission accomplishment. Unfortunately a byproduct is the Infantryman and the American public is often unaware of the Infantry’s unique role and history. This fault explains why among the pantheon of America’s finest the Infantry often remains unmentioned especially in comparison to his more celebrated peers.
The latest addition to the “GRUNTS” section is “Infantry Organization, Positions & Roles (Indiv – Co)”. Sourced from the current Infantry Squad, Platoon and Company manuals, it lays out the organization and compositions of those units as well as duty positions, descriptions and responsibilities from the individual rifleman to the company commander.
One of the first tasks to understanding any organization is knowing how it’s organized and what the different parts of that organization do. Without that basic information much of the nuances and even fundamental lessons one can obtain from reading, listening or studying the Infantry are liable to be lost. This serves as a refresher for older infantrymen and a basic fundamental reference for those interested in understanding small unit infantry actions. It applies to most US Army and Marine Infantry formations.
Looking forward to questions, comments and suggestions…