70 years ago today 150 thousand troops were flung across the English Channel in an extremely risky operation to land on the continent, open a second front and rid the world of Nazisim. There are a myriad of great books and movies out there. “The Longest Day”, the “Band of Brothers” miniseries and excerpts of “Saving Pvt Ryan” all come to mind with “The Longest Day” being the most complete historical depiction.
The invasion is being commemorated today in France with a plethora of heads of state. I encourage you to remember and do something to educate yourself about this seminal event in history. I just started reading, “The Dead and Those About to Die D-Day: The Big Red One at Omaha Beach”.
If you’d like to do something quick to remember and commemorate the event check out this clip from “Saving Private Ryan” which is an excellent depiction of the horror on Omaha Beach based on the historical descriptions I’ve read of the battle.