Gen Amos was cleared by the DoD IG of showing favoritism to Maj. James B. Conway the previous Marine Commandant’s son. The officers of Maj Conway’s battalion were flagged after the marine urination incident in Afghanistan. Officers were not allowed to be promoted and transferred except for Maj Conway who was subsequently promoted and assigned a battalion command. The DoD IG stated Gen Amos’ conduct “was reasonable under the circumstances,”.
Gen Amos still faces accusations of improperly interfering in the urination case. After three-star, Lt. Gen. Thomas Waldhauser commander Marine Corps Forces Central Command refused to guarantee Marines involved in the urination incident would be kicked out of the Corps, Gen Amos switched court martial authority to Lt. Gen. Richard Mills, commanding general of Marine Corps Combat Development Command. Four Marines were kicked out of the service.
After refusing non judicial punishment, Capt. James Clement commanding officer of the company was charged and scheduled for a court martial until allegations of undue command influence were filed as well as obstructing the defense by classifying evidence. The court martial was withdrawn and instead the officer was separated by a board of inquiry.
The defense’s attorney Maj. James Weirick, was alleged to be psychologically unstable, removed from his office, computers seized, reassigned and asked to surrender his personal weapons.
At least there’s one less issue for Gen Amos to address. My previous article on the case is here.