Archive for December, 2013

Christmas Wishes From GruntsandCo

We have much to be thankful for and want to single out those deployed from home this coming holiday.  I pray you are all home safe and soon.  I’d like to wish all of our readers a very special holiday and a Merry Christmas (no offense meant to those that don’t celebrate Christmas).  Shivering at …

The A-10, a hard plane for the USAF to kill

The A-10 is the only US plane ever developed specifically to attack ground targets.  It has a distinguished history and is probably the most beloved fixed wing aircraft among the last several decades worth of grunts.   I was privileged to watch it do CAS firsthand two decades ago in Iraq.  MUCH has been written of …

USAFA Informant Story, A Leadership Black Hole (Update:15 Dec)

A scandal brewing at the Air Force Academy has come full circle.  It features pathetic decision making, a lack of moral courage, leadership by coercion, abandoning of one’s troops, then silence, deny and counter accuse.  When the furor didn’t die down the leadership decided to take charge of what they weren’t aware of before, investigate …


Essay by Yankee Papa (all rights reserved) Someone asks you, “Why would anyone want an “assault rifle…?” The hysteria over “assault rifles” has swept a large segment of the population.  A senseless tragedy has been used by a hostile Administration as a propaganda “Reichstag Fire…” The constant drumbeat plays on the worst fears of those …

WWII Battleships as Marine Heavy Assault Ship?

Yes, there was a plan!  The Navy and Marines presented Congress a concept in the 70’s to turn Iowa class battleships into heavy assault ships.  The Iowa class battleship was originally designed to accompany WWII carrier task forces.  Four of six planned ships were built and were the longest battleships ever built.  Coming into the …

Mexican Cartels with M1 Killing AT Weapons?

Small Wars Journal ran an extremely interesting and well referenced article on this development There’s a “museum” in Mexico City open only to the Mexican government and used to train anti-drug forces.  The “Museo de Enervantes” as it’s called in Spanish features a “model” of the RPG-29 Vampir (Vampyre).   It’s called the RPG-29. The RPG-29 …