I started Grunts & Co to commemorate and celebrate the Infantry and be the site for those who want to learn and immerse themselves in an infantryman’s perspective, what it means to be in the Infantry, its history, accomplishments, tradition and culture.
The “Grunts” section will be where I preserve those essays, documents, presentations and media. (For the Infantry’s closest friends I’ll be doing the same in the “And Co” section.)
The “Grunts” section is a work in progress with sections on the history, organization, Infantry roles/positions, types, mission, heraldry, awards, culture, media and more coming.
The first entries are the Epic Poem “I AM THE INFANTRY” and the comedic prayer, “And God Created the Infantry”. “I Am the Infantry” is an inspiring poem written in the epic style chronicling the US Army’s Infantry history from the nation’s founding until today. The Infantry School at Ft. Benning added music and imagery in an audio visual production played during special ceremonies and events. It is rarely seen outside the Infantry community. “And God Created the Infantry” is an addendum to Genesis and describes the creation of the Infantry. Many versions have been written since commemorating various specialties and branches but as always, The Infantry was the first.
Enjoy! Look forward to your comments.