Most analysts not counting US subs in Pacific arms race

Posted on: February 9th, 2014 by Will Rodriguez 28 Comments

There have been many stories the last several years focused on the Chinese threat to us carriers and presence in the Pacific.  David Axe in War is Boring wrote a fascinating article explaining China actually is not in as strong a position as presented in many essays because US subs are not accounted for in the equation.

There are approximately eight US subs on picket duty around China at any one point.   Assuming China tries to invade Taiwan or any other nation’s territory if the eight subs and only fire three torpedoes each with just half hitting, American subs could destroy all of China’s major amphibious ships.  That would stop China’s ability to conduct, support or resupply an invasion depending on when these losses may be inflicted. 

No doubt Chinese carrier killer missiles, growing information warfare capabilities and very aggressive navy growth carrier are significant issues but US sub capability hasn’t been discussed.  This article is must read for those interested in potential threats in the Pacific and counter moves.

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